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5.1 How do I convert objects?

You can convert certain types of objects. The convert works in only one way, ultimately ending in a Mesh. To convert objects, activate them and press ALT + C. The convert options are: Font to Curve, MetaBall to Mesh, Curve to Mesh and Surface to Mesh.

5.2 What is Lattice deformation?

To add lattice object hit SPACEBAR and select Add -> Lattice. Lattices are grid-like objects which you can assign as parents (ALT + P) to Meshes, Surfaces and Particles. Depending on the position of the lattice vertex' and it's shape, the child object is deformed. To permanently assign the deformation, hit SHIFT - CTRL + A.
Also try positioning edited lattices in space and move their child object(s) "trough" it.

5.3 How do I use the grid?

How do I change the grid size..?
With the mouse cursor in the 3D window, press SHIFT+F7. This displays the buttons settings for the 3Dwindow. Back to 3Dwindow with SHIFT+F5.

..so the snap to grid could work on different lenght?
You can hold CTRL or SHIFT+CTRL for this.

Is it possible to have Snap to grid on rotating objects?
While rotating, hold CTRL or SHIFT+CTRL.

Last updated 15-sep-99, xype|samo korosec

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