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4.1 What the heck is EditMode?

3D models in Blender are organized in uniform 'Objects'. All Object types share a certain amount of data such as a location, rotation and scaling. Default, the entire interface works with Objects, for selection or for visualization in Buttons for example.
To be able to change the 'real' 3D data, such as faces or vertices, you have to enter EditMode (press TAB). Now, all editing is locked at this specific Object type. You can't add other Objects until you leave EditMode again by pressing TAB.

4.2 How can I add a vertex?

You must be in edit mode ( TAB key ). Then select a vertex. Now press CTRL+Left Mousebutton.

4.3 How do I close a polygon?

Select the two vertices you want to close and press Fkey.

4.4 How do I create an object by rotation?

There a several ways to do this. One way is to use a curve ( Surface->Curve ). With the SPIN button in the edit buttons you can create your object. The curve will be rotated around the z-axis of your view.

4.5 How can I rotate an object around a specified point?

You can use empty objects as pivot points. If you make an empty object the parent of another object, for example a cube, the cube will rotate around the empty object.

Last updated 26-aug-99, xype|samo korosec

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