Release and beta Info

A few remarks for the Blender versions.

Known problems:
- Blender doesn't work in a screen resolution beyond 1600x1200
- Particles can't be emitted from Meshes with VertexKeys or Lattice deformation.
- FreeBSD versions: plugins don't work properly: you can only use 1!

Version 1.71

Bugs removed:
- User preset Menu: Texture directory didn't save.
- Ika Skeletons update better now (1.70 bug).
- Vertex-Duplicated MetaBalls didn't render (1.70 bug).
- "Step" value particles wasn't saved in file.
- (Ckey) S-meshes are smooth again. Still with a better behaviour with extremely small faces.
- (Ckey) Python: NMesh.PutRaw caused the program to crash.

New options:
- Ghost icon button in FileWindow hides 'dot' files.
- TextOnCurve option now works with Vertex-Keyed Curve.
- New button: "Centre cursor" (F9 EditButtons) sets the centre of the active object to the 3D cursor.
- (Ckey) You can use the Environment map as a refraction map by simply making the "SizeZ" value negative (-1.0). Also try the "Nor" mapping input option for nice effects.
- IrisGL versions: interface now draws identical to the OpenGL versions.

Version 1.70

Bugs removed:
- With "DupliVerts" the original duplicated Object doesn't render anymore.
- Background picture in 3D window didn't work with Z-buffered draw mode.
- At first install the default .B.blend wasn't read.
- "Shaded" drawmode for MetaBalls works.
- Working with Skeletons is now more interactive, the deformation wasn't updated always correctly.

New options:
- "Shaded" drawmode now updates realtime while translating Objects or Lamps.
- New Particle render option: "Shaded". Particles then need a Lamp to be visible. Particles receive shadow as well, but don't cast shadow.
- New Particle option: "Static". Particles now don't animate or move anymore, they follow the Object's transformation. With "static" particles are generated one at each 'frame' for the entire 'Life' value. Use the new "step" option to control this; step=2 means a particle at every two 'frames.
- New Particle option: "Faces". Particles not only emit from vertices but also from the faces.
- (C-key) S-Mesh option for procedural smooth subdivision of Mesh objects (F9 menu). For more about this read the Complete section of this site. (available nov 13)
- The default .B.blend startup file has the 2-mouse option activated. This means that both MiddleMouse and ALT+LeftMouse can be used!

Version 1.69

Bugs removed:
- Several 'floating point exeption' errors fixed. It now renders faster and will be more stable at Alpha.
- MetaBalls sometimes disappeared.
- Pressing ESC in the sequence editor while rendering Scene strips now works.
- Render error (bias) in volumetric halo spots ("Halo step") fixed.
- Alpha-over effect in the sequence editor didn't work.
- Large Text Objects with more than 256 characters sometimes caused a hang.

New options:
- Python allows access to Mesh data now. See the Complete section of this site. - During Rotation mode: press XKEY, YKEY or ZKEY for a global axis rotation.
- "Add primitive" menu (SHIFT+A): it now allows to add another Object type when in EditMode; it then exits EditMode for the current Object.
- the "DupliVerts" option now allows duplicates rotated by the vertex-normal.
- Object Ipos have a "Time" channel now. This allows manipulating the timing of the entire set of animation curves (in a single Ipo block). As an extra, this also makes it possible to control the particle timing of an Object; you can stop movement, cycle it or make it go backwards.
- Preview render option added: as an icon button in each 3D window header. It makes an image of the exact contents and settings of the 3D window. Use SHIFT+click at the button to render an animation. The output is rendered and saved as indicated in the DisplayButtons (F10 menu). When the Scene has a "World", it uses the horizon color as background color.
- Solid 3D display improved (Zkey): the Material options "RGB", "Spec RGB", "Ref", "Spec" and "Emit" now are rendered.
- New extrapolation mode for animation curves (Ipo): cyclic/extended.
- The text editor now allows horizontal scrolling.
- Screendumps: press CTRL+F3 to save an image of the current window or active pup menu. Press SHIFT+CTRL+F3 for a screendump of the entire interface. It uses the image type as indicated in the DisplayButtons (F10)
- IrisGL versions: lot of work has been put in merging the source codes for this version with the OpenGL version. The bahaviour of the IrisGL version now is nearly identical to the other versions.

Version 1.68

Bugs removed:
- AVI loads 16-bit uncompressed.
- Windows/BeOS version: Middle mouse emulation in all windows.
- Python includes standard modules.
- After using radiosity, Curve Objects were not drawn filled.
- Implemented a more strict Targa file recognition in the ImageSelect window. This tool crashed too often in Windows.
- Menu colors at Octane and Indigo2 Impact fixed.

New options:
- Plugins are now a free feature!
- CTRL-PGUP/PGDN change current frame to next/previous key (in key mode)
- C-Key: OKEY toggles proportional vertex editing (in EditMode)
- Larger shadow buffer size: 2560x2560 pixels.
- Blender menus are now a 100% OpenGL drawing. This makes Blender more useable in fullscreen Voodoo3 mode.
- BeOS version: improved character set for small button windows.

Version 1.67

Bugs removed:
- VRML input error 1.66 fixed.
- Windows version: crash when added too many Bezier points.
- Zbuffer mode and BackImage in 3DView now work fine together.
- Curve type "Poly" now allows linear paths.
- Particle systems with "Vect" option and "DupliVerts" had rotation errors.
- Windows version: crash with "DupliVerts" and MetaBalls.
- Windows/Linux: numerical buttons didn't update correctly sometimes.
- Radiosity: the option "Replace Meshes" crashed with default setting "Mat on Object".

New options:
- Ika skeletons now deform Surfaces and 3D Curves.
- C-Key: First Python scripting API. Documentation follows!
- C-Key: Proportional editing of vertices, translate/rotate/scale vertices as if you edit a Lattice!
- C-Key: Relative vertex keys now work with Surfaces.

Version 1.66

Bugs removed:
- Windows: Mesh tool "remove doubles" caused crashes.
- Windows: EditMode for Mesh is more stable now.
- SGI: reading images from SGI movies had wrong colors.
- SGI irisGL: environment mapping crashed.

New options:
- Bump mapping (texture output at "Nor") now affects reflection mapping as well (texture input at "Refl").
- Ika has a constraint now. You can limit the effector to the XY-plane, to avoid annoying Y-axis flips. This type is default now and much stabler to work with. Known problem: rotating an Ika (with RKEY) is not well defined... it is better to disable inverse kinematics first with TABKEY and then rotate it.
- C-key only: Relative vertex keys. This allows multiple vertex key positions to be mixed, added or subtracted independently. Best suited for facial expression animations. We make a manual page soon...
- Locked update of the 3DWindow while editing in the IpoWindow. Set the "lock" icon button in the IpoHeader. Works extremely well with Relative VertexKeys!
- Control over skeleton deformation improved: each limb now can have a limited distance where it influences deformation. Buttons draw in the F9 menu.

Version 1.65a

Bugs removed:
- Square spot error fixed: only visible when rendering multiple spots.
- IrisGL version: preview rendering had wrong alpha.
- OSA 16 and Z-transp Material crashed Blender.
- BeOS version: double-clicking at the Blender executable now works.

New options:
- C-key only: Auto-smoothing angle for Meshes. In the F9 menu. Now you can "Set Smooth" an entire Mesh, regardless the geometry.
- Windows: FileWindow now displays file sizes.

Version 1.65
Bugs removed:
- Square spot with shadows gave serious errors.
- MetaBall calculation slightly changed to make negative MetaBalls working properly.
- VRML 1.0 export now more conform 1.0 standards, especially for vertexcolors.
- Alpha in textures sometimes had errors. I hope these are last errors because of the 1.64 ABGR -> RGBA reconstruction.
- Errors with windowheaders disappearing or creeping upwards solved.
- Mysterious X crash solved now. (happened a while after rescaling blenderwindow multiple times).
- (Windows) Key repeats work better now.

Version 1.64
Bugs removed:
- Halo step option (spothalo's) now extend the light lines beyond "ClipEnd" value.
- Buttons in the Material Menu react a lot faster now.
- Error removed from EnvMap "wrong size" warning.
- Menu draw error solved at SGI RE and Octanes.
- Plugins don't crash when loaded without C-key.

New Options
- First h/w Accelerated Mesa version for Linux; TNT cards only.
Start blender as blender -H to enable some patches for it.
- Hardware accelleration with TNT cards for Windows now works as well, ONLY WITH DISPVIEW OPTION!!! (F10 menu). The TNT driver can hang when opening windows...
- NEW! Text editor window in Blender (not in IrisGL). Press SHIFT+F11 to activate it. A text can be added or loaded with the renowed "menu" button in the windowheader.
A more complete description of the functionality follows...
- New button: "Frames per second". For AVI output and for the grid unit in the Sequence window.
- EditMode Mesh now allows solid drawmode (not in IrisGL). This also makes assigning multiple Materials more interactive.
- Spotlamps now can have square Spotbundles. For a better control over shadows and for slide projector effects
- Halo Meshes are drawn with larger dots for better visibility.
- Major reconstruction: Blender now internally only uses RGBA colors instead of ABGR. This is more according to the OpenGL defaults. Most 3D cards only support RGBA, or even crash when using ABGR!
- Option "Apply Lattice Deform" now works with Surface Objects.
- For Windows systems: use the option -W for a forced borderless display.
- New option: "Extensions" (F10 menu) for automatic adding of filename extensions when images are saved in animations.

Version 1.63

Bugs removed:
- "Window close" button doesn't quit Blender anymore.
- AVI movies accept odd resolutions.
- DXF file import: DOS newline error removed.
- Scaling Blender a window is more stable now. Only for sizes bigger than 320x256.

Version 1.62

Bugs removed:
- 2-mouse button patch works in IpoWindows as well.
- Many small bugs in the window version removed thanks to new compiler.

New Options
- DXF input. As usual: press F1 and indicate the file.
- New mapping output for Materials: "CMir". This defines a mirror-color filtered with the Mir-RGB sliders. A fully mirrored Material renders like the option "ShadeLess".
- Commandline option: -w to force window borders.
- Meshes with 'smooth' faces draw correclty in Zbuffered (solid) mode.
- Sun OpenGL version now works, but only with latest 1.2 OpenGL patches installed.
- JPEG "Quality" option for AVI output now works.

Complete (C-key) Options
- Radiosity. To calculate realistic lighting conditions.
- Environment mapping. To render mirrored surfaces.
- DXF 1.0 output. Hotkey: Shift+F2. Blender saves all meshes, materials and objects.

Version 1.61

Bugs removed:
- DupliFrames works with Metaballs.
- Windows: vrml files read properly now.
- Using Scenes in Sequence editor caused coredumps when changing image size.

New Options
- Complete Blender: VRML 1.0 output. Hotkey: CTRL+F2. Blender saves all meshes, materials and objects. Including vertex colors.
- In the Usermenu: option to use a 2-button mouse. It maps the ALT+LeftMouse to the MiddleMouse.

Version 1.60

Bugs removed:
- Blender now is safe to use with directory names up to 160 chars.

New Options
- New: Tooltips! Activate it in the UserMenu (pull down top header). We already did most icon buttons. most other buttons will be 'tipped' in the next few releases.
- Installation procedure simplified. no more BLENDERDIR environment variable needed. Blender now includes the basic startup files and installs them automatically.
- 'Bump mapping' (normal displacement) now is supported for all built-in textures.
- Buttons are drawn more consistently and clear, especially at lower resolutions.
- IRIZ images save correctly now. This is a 64 bits format that includes a 32 bits Z-buffer.
- New: Wave Effects (1.60b). These effects can be multiple layered. Only for Meshes!

Version 1.59

Bugs removed:
- Avi's in ImageSelect caused fatal errors.
- RightMouse selection at Indy now works. Maybe other systems too?
- Gammacross works in Sequence editor. Really natural cross!
- Sequence editor interactively displays rendering of Scene-strips.
- ALT key problems with German/French keyboards solved?

New Options
- Sequence window has a "Clear" button, it frees up all image memory.

Version 1.58

Bugs removed:
- Random functions (for stars or particles) are cross platform identical now.
- Copy Ika's now copies skeletons correctly as well.

New Options
- AVI support! Blender reads and writes AVI movies. Use it for textures and sequences as well.
- Surfaces and/or curves can be merged with 'FKEY' in EditMode now. Some programs call it skinning or lofting... ;-)
Only works with 'Surface' Objects.

Version 1.57

Bugs removed:
- Targa files (RLE) can be read by Mac software now.
- Apply (CTRL+A) at SGI-irisGL coredumped.
- Temporal-file saves at SGI-irisGL didn't work.

New Option
- Smooth subidivide. It's in the 'W-key' menu in Mesh-EditMode. Make sure the normals are all pointing in the same direction; you can force that with CTRL+N.

Version 1.56

Bugs removed:
- Videoscape output had an error writing single edges.
- Panorama error 1.55 fixed.
- Backbuf coredump 1.55 fixed.
- Camera-Ipo editing errors fixed.

New Options
- Raw Targa output as alternative for standard (RLE) Targa.
- Holding SHIFT+LeftMouse as alternative for Left+MiddleMouse click at a number-button.
- Blender starts 2-3 times faster now (OpenGL versions).
- Duplicating Ika's with Effector-Parent works OK now.

Version 1.55

Bugs removed:
- Names longer than 16 chars sometimes made Blender quit without coredump or error message. A real old bug!
- Surface VertexKeys: option wasn't drawn in IpoWindow header.
- Spotlight halo's rendering improved. Light now is really blocked.
- CapsLock at IrisGL caused wrong input of the number keys.

New Options
- Write Videoscape (ALT+W) now writes all selected Meshes in separate numbered files.
- 'Tracking' now works with Particle emittors.

Version 1.54

Bugs removed:
- 'Circle select': draw error in render window.
- 'Draw Faces': this option didn't redraw other windows.
- Sometimes SHIFT+RightMouse grabbing caused a 'NaN' overflow.
- Enter EditMode: didn't redraw EditButtons.
- Material index 16 couldn't be edited.
- Ika selection/grabbing had errors.
- Appending from Blender files written at different 'endian' machines caused a core dump.
- IpoCurve mouse recording caused coredumps when no curves already existed.

New Options
- Lamp halos now use shadow detection (volumetric rendering). To invoke this, set a value other than zero in the button "Halo Step". Low values cause better results and longer rendering times. A value of "8" works fine in most cases.
- Camera settings now can be animated with an Ipo. Select the 'eye' icon in the IpoWindow header.
- Single-limb Ikas now can be parented to make a 'loose' chain. This method resembles 'bones' editing of other 3D packages.
- World textures now can have "Object" texture coordinates. Works best with procedural textures.
- CTRL+S can be used to save files (as is CTRL+W). Not in EditMode though...

Version 1.53

Bugs removed:
- Indy XL graphics: grid draw error in standard ortho views.
- Parenting an Ika effector to another Ika 'vertex' works again.
- Surface normals are calculated better now (error in Nurbs sphere).
- "DispView" option skipped scanlines.
- Remote display of Blender: interface draw errors fixed.
- Leftmouse 'gestures' are drawn again.
- Convert Surface->Mesh: better normal calculation.

New Options
- Added "No Puno Flip" button for Surfaces, for single sided rendering.
- Render speedup (5-15%): SGI's with R4k+ and FreeBSD PC's.

Version 1.52

Bugs removed:
- "Draw Faces" option and "Circle Select" didn't work together.
- Nurbs curve interpolation error fixed (endpoint sometimes was wrong).
- Reading VRML files further improved. (Nurbs)
- Vertex parent with a single vertex now works.
- Ika parenting error fixed.
- Complex hierarchies with Ikas and Empties are interactively displayed now.
- "Name" drawmode Lamps fixed.
- Insert Surface/Curve VertexKey in EditMode now works.

New Options
- Vertex parent works with Surfaces and Curves as well.
- Mesh drawingspeed improved 10-20% (OpenGL versions).

Version 1.51

Bugs removed:
- IrisGL versions: square faces can be rendered 'smooth' better.
- "Play" option works as normal again. For FreeBSD as well.
- Background picture (3DWindow) sometimes went solid gray.
- Deleting a MetaBall recalculates the MetaBall system correctly.

New Options
- DataView (SHIFT+F4) now displays Vector Fonts (VFont).
- NKEY at a Meta strip (sequencer) allows to change the name

Version 1.50
Known error:
- The "Play" option only works if Blender resides in the current directory, or if Blender was started with a path name (/usr/bin/blender for example).

Bugs removed:
- Empty Objects parented to IKAs can reside in another layer.
- Pressing CTRL+Z caused deformation redraw error.
- Serious mist bug solved.
- Render window now displays first scanline correctly.
- X depth at 15 bpp now has correct menu colors.
- Smooth rendering of square faces improved.
- "DispView" option caused an error in swapbuffers.
- MetaBalls sometimes were not polygonized.

New Options
- Vertex Parent works with deformed Meshes.
- Continious redraw of multiple windows during editing is switched off when drawing takes longer than 0.5 second.

Version 1.46
Bugs removed:
- Small grid sizes in 3DWindow caused problems in certain buttons.
- Remove Doubles command redraws correctly.

Version 1.45
Bugs removed:
- IrisGL only: testversion for hardware Zbuffer.
- Selected parts of Surface Objects in EditMode are better visible.
- While scaling, 'X' and 'Y' flip works at multiple Objects now.

New Options
- Inventor and VRML Nurbs surfaces can be imported.
- Hotkeys HKEY, SHIFT+H, ALT+H (hide/reveal vertices) now works with Nurbs.

Version 1.44
Bugs removed:
- Ika: insert effector keyposition was sometimes wrong.
- Border selecting completely rewritten. (Please test at O2).

New Options
- VRML 1.0 files (xxx.wrl) can be read directly (F1, MiddleMouse click at file)

Version 1.43
Bugs removed:
- FileSelect window core-dumped.
- Fatal X error when border-selecting entered another window.
- Sometimes 'UserMenu' buttons were not removed from a ButtonsWindow
- Load unknown vector font: core dump.

New Options
- Anim Playback window: non blocking process
- Anim Playback window: scroll frames with LeftMouse.
- Sequences: the 'Osa' option switches filtered scaling.
- NKEY menu now displays rotation in degrees.
- 'Apply' (CTRL+A) now works at Curves and Surfaces.
- 'Mouse recording' (RKEY in IpoWIndow) now displays VertexKeys interactively.

Version 1.42
Bugs removed:
- Small movies were upside down (SGI).

New Options
- TextureButtons (Image) now have RGB sliders for fine tuning
- DataView (SHIFT+F4) allows Object selections.
- SHIFT modifier for finer control during 'Grab' mode.
- 'Negative' option for lamps now works.
- User definable 'Filter' value for Image Textures.
- 'Crop' option (DisplayButtons, F10) for a 'Border' rendered Image in 'Border' size.
- 'Stars' rendering improved. Sorry, but it's not backawrds identical anymore...

Version 1.41
Bugs removed:
- Texturespace edit (TKEY) coredumped with Empty Objects.
- Read a Blender file: ButtonWindows come back in the saved postion.
- Stucci Texture doesn't return a color anymore.
- Writing and reading hexadecimal colors in Videoscape files at PC's now OK.
- Animation playback ("Play") displays bottom row of pixels correctly.

New Options
- "Play" option now plays Jpeg images as well. It plays directly from disk, so there's no memory limit.
- "SnapMenu" now works with Lattice vertices.
- TextureButtons (Image) now have RGB sliders for fine tuning

Version 1.40
Bugs removed:
- Scaling with CTRL-limitor for rotated Objects now OK.
- Renaming DataBlocks (Materials, Screens, etc) now re-inserts alphabetically.
- Option "Add Scene, Full Copy" now copies Textures and World as well.
- "PowerTrack" option cleaned up. This disables all Parent rotations.
- Ika grabmode with disabled 'Inverse Kinematics' (TAB) now works OK.
- Buttons redraw error (in double-buffer) fixed.
- Working with IpoKeys and TimeOffset more easy now.
- Halo's antialias correctly when behind faces.

New Options
- Movie output (SGI version) automatically creates directories.
- Shaded drawmode for deformed Objects.
- Videoscape writes deformed Mesh vertices as well.
- Shaded drawmode for MetaBall Objects.
- Reflection textures now works with a 'bump' texture in a previous texture channel.
- All Object types now have 'DupliFrames' option.
- 'DupliVerts option' (Meshes, Particles) now can duplicate all Object types, including MetaBalls.
- "Move to Layer" option (MKEY) now works with same hotkeys as the 3DWindow.
- New Videoscape dialect: for reading 3D Meshes with vertexcolors.
- Spotlight textures (Images) now are antialiased and filtered (use "View" texture coordinates for slide-projector effect).

Version 1.38
Bugs removed:
- Fixed: z buffer draw and Mesh with no materials: coredump!
- Bug removed from calculation 3D Bevel Objects
- View translation in perspective fixed.
- Drawing with ortho camera fixed.
- timing error FreeBSD version fixed.
- Mesa 3.0 included in static version.
- Vertex paint bug fixed.

New Options
- ALT+(1, 2, 3...) to set layers 11, 12, 13...
- LeftMouse+RightMouse allowed at numerber-button to type in values

Version 1.37
Bugs removed:
- For SGI O2 owners only: a very annoying 'hang' bug removed. It was caused by a drawing error in the Camera.
- PKEY (for parent directory) in FileWindow works again.
- MoveToLayer (MKEY) menu fixed
- Draw errors in Popup menu's fixed
- VertexPaint RGB errors fixed
- 3DHeader button to set perspective; Camera-view works too.

New Options
- Nurbs can have UV texture coordinates. Activate for this the EditButtons->UVOrco button. Now the option "Orco" in the MaterialButtons use the UV coordinates for textures.
Don't press the "UV" option in the MaterialButtons, that's for something else.
- For compatible video-'Fields' rendering I added a swith: DisplayButtons->Odd.

Version 1.36
- (SGI) annoying swapbuffer error fixed.
- Files incompatibility Colorband PC/SGI solved.
- RightMouse selecting was blocked after border-select.
- Border select: print size of border, cameraview too.
- Inventor: reads some 2.0 syntaxes too. Under development.
- Shift/Ctrl/Alt release events got lost while moving view.
- Particles draw (size) error fixed.
- Display type 'DispView' works.
- Metaballs convert to Mesh, normals error fixed.
- And all reported coredumps were fixed! Keep discovering...

Version 1.35
- 'Windows' key resistant
- Preview-render: RGB was flipped (material, lamp, world)
- Fileselect redraw error fixed
- Names error: names were not unique automatically
- Metaball display error: because of name error
- CTRL and ALT and SHIFT keys sometimes were locked

Version 1.34, new features:
- Play (flipbook) restored. Only proper and fast with Mesa 3.0.
  Use it for playback test animations (use Hamx or Targa)
- Frame counter cursor restored (try ALT+a)
- Set a render border (SHIFT+b) now works OK. (Also put on DisplayButtons->border)
- Icon button for top/front/side view.
- Debug option -d; prints a lot of info in console
- Draw Schematic View now with icons
- Blender 'forks' at startup. This frees the console.
Bugs fixed:
- After use of 'border select' text display in menu's disappeared.
- Pupmenu's outside screen gave fatal X-error.
- Text Object editing: accentcodes fixed: ALT+BACKSPACE
- Cursor was sometimes wrong after reading files
- Texspace draw error with dashed lines
- Ortho camera: zbuffer improved. Near/far still not OK
- Text Object. Character pound= alt-l
- In editmode with a 'set', draw error fixed.
- Scanline display during rendering had dropouts
- Sometimes - after render - frontbuffer drawing wasn't disabled
- Sometimes the render window got black and Blender 'hanged'.
- Better 'active window' implementation.
- Automatic name was too critical, more intuitive now
- Text editing (in Font Object): TAB error fixed.

Version 1.33, bugs fixed:
- 'Make edge/face' coredump fixed.
- Menu's draw a lot faster.

There are still problems with screensizes. Keep reporting!

Version 1.32, bugs fixed:
- BLENDERDIR env may now be more than 32 chars!
- Number menu (press 'n'), text-input option fixed.
- Snap menu (SHIFT+'s') redraw fixed.
- Warp with 1 vertex coredump fixed.
- Lib JPEG is static linked from now (All versions)

Version 1.31, bugs fixed:
- A few small but potentially fatal bugs. Don't use 1.30 anymore!
- Amiga IFF should work now, including DPaint's anim5! (Blacksmith demo)
- Transparancy rendering had dropouts.
- IpoWindow draws better.
- SpaceBar menu: hotkey commands can be invoked from here.
- JPEG quality button is back
- Pup-up Menu's can be used with the number keys (too choose an item).
- Buttons behind Info header draw OK now.
- Blender renders OK when images (in textures) don't exist.