View rendered image
Single integrated program: only 1.5 Mb!
Modelling of polygon meshes, curves, nurbs, text and metaballs
Deformation lattices and skeletons
Animation with keyframes, motion curves. morphing and inverse kinematics
Particle systems
Rendering: solid, transparent, halo/lensflare
Sequence editing of images and post production effects
3D view with animated rotoscoping
Powerful object oriented data system
File management included!
Flexible window layout
3D Window: wireframe/solid/Gl-lighted/rendered
Scalable buttons window
Animation curve/keys window
Schematic diagram window
Sequence editing window
File selecting and file management windows
Save all your work in a single file
Other Blender files can be used as libraries
Read/Write TGA, JPG, Iris, SGI Movie, IFF and AVI
Read Inventor files
View rendered image
Rendering in foreground with direct output
Can be started with a single key press at any level
Three rendering layers: solid, transparent and halo's.
Delta accumulation buffer with jittered sampling for perfect antialiasing
Any resolution up to 4096x4096
Field rendering and pre-gama correction for the best video output possible
NO ray tracing!!!
Panoramic rendering
Plugins for textures and post production
Use triangle and square polygons
Extrude, spin, screw, bend, subdivde, etc.
Realtime 'vertex paint' to add vertex colors
Smooth subdivide for smoothing meshes while preserving geometry
Bezier, B-spline, polygon
Automatic 'hole' detection
Any curve can be used as a bevel
View animation
Motion paths: Bezier curves, B-splines or polygons
Motion curves: XYZ translation/rotation/scaling
motion keys: transformations fixed at a frame
Vertex key framing for morphing
Inverse kinematics and skeletons
Animation curves for light, materials, textures and effects
View rendered image
Local lights, spotlights, hemispheres and suns
Textured lights, spot halo's
Shadow buffered system with volumetric effects
Selective lighting for individual objects