The Complete Blender pages
Python Scripting
These pages describe the integration between Blender
and the Python programming language. They are not intended
to teach the Python language. Programmers familiar with
C/C++/Java or other high-level and/or object-oriented languages
should be able to pick up the language fairly quickly
with the help of a reference and examples. Further information
on Python can be found at www.python.org
The Python Roadmap
- IPO level control
The first step in Blender/Python integration is providing
the same capabilities that IPO's have to scripts. This means
scripts can read and write the same properties that can
be controlled by IPO's, allowing for procedural animation.
Simple examples might included making a ball bounce along
a sine curve, or adding random jitter to a camera movement.
- Vertice-level control
The second stage of integration is proving script
access to the data found in Meshes, Curves, and Surfaces.
Not only does this involve the reading/adding/deleting of
vertices but also an interface for generation of fully
procedural objects - allowing the user to manipulate a mesh,
and a non-destructive transformation to be applied by
the script.
- And more...
Other things in consideration or planning include more
adding more Blender API calls, letting scripts
execute commands just like the user would, scripts
could then automate frequent or complex actions.
We are also interested in providing the functionality
necessary to write complete applications that run
embedded inside a Blender window with access to the
Blender UI elements.
Basic Python
Python scripts can be executed directly from the
Text window by pressing Alt-P in the Text window.
Scripts can also be attached to DataBlocks to
be executed automatically, see the section on ScriptLinks
The following modules for high-level object access are available:
Blender Main API module
Int: Blender.bylink Used to test if the script was executed
by a scriptlink - see the ScriptLink section below
Method: Blender.Get(request) General data access function,
used with the constants in Blender.Const
Module: Blender.Object Object object and functions
Method: Blender.Object.Get([name])
Module: Blender.Material Material object and functions
Method: Blender.Material.Get([name])
Module: Blender.Camera Camera object and functions
Method: Blender.Camera.Get([name])
Module: Blender.World World object and functions
Method: Blender.World.Get([name])
Method: Blender.World.GetActive() Returns the active World
Module: Blender.Lamp Lamp object and functions
Method: Blender.Lamp.Get([name])
Module: Blender.Const Constant definitions for Blender.Get
Int: Blender.Const.BP_CURFRAME Request the current frame
Float: Blender.Const.BP_CURTIME Request the current time (includes field and motion blur calculations)
The Blender.____.Get([name]) methods all function in the same manner:
If a name is specified the object with that name is returned (or PyNone),
otherwise a list off all objects in that category is returned.
Object data
The objects delivered by the Blender.____.Get() functions contain
data exactly matching the names found in the IPO window. For example,
the energy of a Lamp is Lamp.Energ, and the Horizon Red component
for a world is World.HorR.
One exception to this rule is that script access to the texture fields
of IPOs (Off_, Dvar, etc.) is not currently available.
Objects delivered by the Blender.Object.Get() function also contain
several special data members:
- Object.parent The parent of the object
- Object.data The object data (ie. mesh, lamp, camera)
- Object.mat The 4x4 matrix for the object
- Object.loc A 3 member vector for location
- Object.dloc A 3 member vector for delta location
- Object.rot A 3 member vector for rotation
- Object.drot A 3 member vector for delta rotation
- Object.size A 3 member vector for size
- Object.dsize A 3 member vector for delta size
The NMesh Module
The vertex editing functionality is planned for access in two ways,
low and high level. Low level access is intended for programmers
familiar with mesh editing and the data structures involved
(and links between them) and who intend to write intensive modules
to work with Blender. High level access is for people who
do not want to spend the time to handle the basic data structures
themselves, or only need a quick effect. Low level editing is completely
independent of Blender, while high level editing uses and builds on
Blender's features.
The NMesh module represents the first step towards providing
vertex level access from Python.
Blender.NMesh Low-level mesh editing module
Method: NMesh.GetRaw([name]) Get a NMesh from Blender
- If name is not specified a new empty mesh is returned, otherwise Blender returns an existing mesh.
- On reading Blender sets the NMesh has_col and has_uvco flags based on what data was filled
Method: NMesh.PutRaw(mesh, [name, renormal]) Return a NMesh to Blender
- (mesh) The NMesh object to store
- [name] The mesh to replace
- [renormal] Flag to control vertex normal recalculation (True==recalculate)
- If the name of a mesh to replace is not given a new object is created and returned.
- On writing Blender uses the NMesh has_col and has_uvco flags to
determine what data should be allocated and set. You need to manual set
these to 1 if you want colors of UV coordinates to be set.
Method: NMesh.Vert([x, y, z]) Create a new vertice
- [x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0] Specify new coordinates
Method: NMesh.Face() Create a new face
Method: NMesh.Col([r,g,b,a]) Create a new mesh color
- [r=255, g=255, b=255, a=255] Specify the color components
NMesh object
- verts List of vertices
- faces List of faces
- has_col Flag for whether mesh has mesh colors
- has_uvco Flag for whether mesh has UV coordinates
Face object
- v List of Vert's that form face
- col List of vertex Col's (always size 4), matches to verts in v
- mat Material index number for face
Vert object
- co Vertex coordinate vector
- uvco UV coordinate vector (element [2] (Z) is unused)
- no Normal vector
Col object
- r Red component
- g Green component
- b Blue component
- a Alpha component

IPO level control allows Python scripts to access the same
data controllable through the IPO system. Python scripts are
attached to DataBlocks through the ScriptButtons window, and
assigned events on which they are supposed to run.

The ScriptButtons are accessed via a new button on the
ButtonsWindow header. This window has no shortcut and
can only be reached by the icon. When the ScriptButtons
have been selected the headerbuttons change to display
the available choices for ScriptLinks.
ScriptLinks can be added for the following DataBlocks
- Worlds - Available when the current scene contains a World
- Lamps - Available when the active Object is a Lamp
- Materials - Available when the active Object has a Material
- Cameras - Available when the active Object is a Camera
- Objects - Available when an Object is active
When you are able to add a ScriptLink an icon appears on
the header, similar to the IPO Window. Selecting one of the
icons brings up the ScriptLink buttons group on the left
of the ScriptButtons window.

DataBlocks can have an arbitrary number of ScriptLinks attached
to them - additional links can be added and deleted with the
New and Del buttons, similar to Material Indexes (see manual
page 274). Scripts are executed in order, beginning with
the script linked at index 1.
When you have at least 1 scriptlink the Event type and link
buttons are displayed. The link button should be filled in
with the name of the Text object to be executed. The Event
type controls at what point the text will be executed,
- FrameChanged - This event is executed everytime the user
changes frames, and during rendering and animation playback.
To provide greater user interaction this script is also executed
continuously during editing for Objects.
- Thats all? - Only for now! In the future we will provide
more events as integration progresses.
Scripts that are executed because of events being triggered
recieve additional input through two objects in the Blender
The Blender.bylink (PyInt) object is set to
1 to indicate that the script has been called through a ScriptLink
(as opposed to the user pressing Alt-P in the Text window).
The Blender.link (variable) object contains the DataBlock
which referenced the script, this may be a Material, Lamp, Object,
If attached by a ScriptLink the following script will make
sure an object does not go beneath the floor.
# Keeps objects above the floor!
import Blender
if (Blender.bylink):
ob= Blender.link
if (ob.LocZ < 0.0): ob.LocZ= 0.0
Scene ScriptLinks
The ScriptLink buttons for Scenes are always available in
the right of the ScriptButtons window, and function exactly
in the manner described above. Scene scripts are global
and recieve no input through the Blender module. Events available
for Scenes are,
- FrameChanged - This event is executed everytime the user
changes frames, and during rendering and animation playback.
- Thats all? - See "Thats all?" above!