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Input commands







Basic editing


These are the three methods for selection:
  • Selecting with RightMouse always selects (and activates) a single item, it deselects everything else. However, holding SHIFT while selecting extends the selection.
  • Items can be selected with a 'border' as well: press BKEY and draw a rectangle with LeftMouse to select, RightMouse to deselect.
  • Use the hotkey AKEY to select all or to deselect all items.

Active and Selected

Blender makes a distinction between selected and active.
  • Only one Object can be active at any given time, for example to allow visualisation of data in buttons. The active and selected Object is displayed in a lighter colour than other selected Objects.
  • Any number of Objects can be selected at once. Virtually all key commands have an effect on selected Objects.
This is an important distinction because of the non-blocking interface of Blender. Most hot key actions perform at all selected data. But the ButtonsWindow and IpoWindow can only display the contents of active data.